Jumat, Juni 15, 2012

it's about the competition..it's about how to win the Golden Ticket..

..On Feb 08, 2012...

Kalo dilihat dari judulnya udah kaya pemilihan Indonesian Idol yang lagi semarak diadakan di Indonesia tercinta dalam kontes pemilihan penyanyi berbakat. Tapi Golden Ticket ini beda, bukan hadiah dalam rangka kontes nyanyi-nyanyian tapi kontes menominasikan seseorang atau diri sendiri yang dapat menginsiprasi orang lain...

Kontes ini tepatnya bukan untuk umum sih cuma untuk kalangan karyawan. gw pun awalnya ngga tau kalo ngga terima email dari sekretaris general manager. Isi emailnya berupa reminder tentang deadline di tutupnya kompetisi ini, yang di dalam email itu ada cara untuk mendapatkan Golden Ticket itu, isinya....

"Please describe in 150 words or less how you can inspired them through demonstrating the shared GSK and Olympic ideals of INTEGRITY, EQUALITY, FRIENDSHIP and EXCELLENCE"

mm..150 kata..itu yang terbenak dalam pikiran gw..bisa ngga yah cerita dalam jumlah yang sudah ditentukan?? (secara gw suka bercerita panjang lebar *huft*)...okey, kita pikirkan nanti untuk jumlahnya, kan nantinya bisa di edit yang mana sekiranya penting untuk di publish..let's go to the prize...the real Golden Ticket..

Olympic Games Experiences will comprise of a 2 night hotel stay in London, hospitality, meals, transport to the Games and tickets to 2 Olympic events. The exception is those winners chosen to attend the Opening Ceremony event where the hotel stay will be 1 night and they also attend a sporting event on the morning of the 28th July. All travel, accomodation and expenses will be covered by GSK as part of their London 2012 Olympic Games Experience.

*Speechless* is it real London?? Watch a Olympic Games! aarghhh!!!! I wanna this badly..itu yang ada dipikiran gw, di otak gw!! tapi nulis apa? dari diri gw ini apa yang bisa menginspirasi orang lain? sekelibatan pertanyaan masuk ke otak gw secara berhamburan. Tak sabar gw cek website untuk lihat siapa saja yang sudah mendaftar, urghh, They have a great stories and of course so inspiring me and others...musuh pesimis mulai memasuki diri gw, menggrogoti tingkat kepercayaan diri gw untuk tidak mengikuti kompetisi ini. Tapi gw mau coba, ini mimpi gw untuk bisa pergi ke negara, trus Penyelamat Pikiran mulai beraksi mendorong gw untuk mengikuti kontes ini "hei, apa salahnya nulis 150 kata, submit lewat email juga? tidak ada yang dirugikan bukan? tidak mengeluarkan biaya apapun bukan? You just need to think what should you write about your experience, give your little time to write it and submit it!" okey..okey..gw mulai bersahabat dengan pikiran gw..mereka seperti bekerja sama untuk mendukung gw mengikuti kontes ini...tapi apa yang mau ditulis...yang menggambarkan salah satu dari empat pilar penting itu.. mm...FRIENDSHIP, I think is good idea, beside it is the familiar thing and very close to me..dan pengalaman yang paling dekat dan sangat membawa semangat olympiade...acara Charity yang pernah gw sama siSTers adakan di Rumah Autis..okey..semua konsep sudah kekumpul and here's my story about...

I'm a person who’s strong motivation to complete my task, cheerful and respect to others. Recently I organized a social activity or charity with my community by collecting some donation for Autistic children. The mission is to fulfil their needs of some equipment in order to make them more independent. Some of the items are painting tools, washing machines, etc. I also invites the colleagues to involve in this event and to show them that Autistic children are just about the same like others who need to be taken care of, to have interaction and to share. I made the charity by a simple way, by creating a simple advertisement and spread it out by email, broadcast messages and also by asking them directly. The campaign collected more than 50 million (around £3,000). With this amount of donation, it can manage the branches elsewhere.

*waiting until 30 March 2012*

-You Never Know What Will be Happen until You Try-

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wHo aM i

Foto saya
I am an ordinary person who try the best in my life, try to cheer up others and make comes true my wishes. You can easily to recognize me from my curly hair and the glasses. Addicted with traveling and try something new. Careless and moody are the negative side of me so I am so sorry if one day i make a mistake because of that :( I have a motto "be a positive person to make a positive life" Enjoy your life gurls... Cheerss